Your Child is Amazing!

Your child may be the one who is amazing and has all the innate skills to progress quickly through the ranks of Karate. This is how you can help them on their journey. 

The most important principle we want to share with you is that your child needs to enjoy their time in martial arts.  They also need to understand that it is a journey that has some great goals and rewards along the way, but it is a process that is better loved, than rushed. 

Check their class cards!

We have set up requirements on the back of their class cards that must be achieved in order to move up in rank.  None of those requirements are attendance, but regular attendance helps them achieve their goals.  Karate International does not give rank based on how many classes they attend.  We are entirely skill based.  When they learn the skill, they pass that goal.  When they pass all the goals on the back of their card, they will be promoted to their next rank at one of our promotion ceremonies.  

Let us correct them, so you can be the good guy.

As a parent, you can help by being a “good finder”.  When they come out of class, if you were watching, compliment them on something they did well.  If you were not watching and you pick them up, ask them to tell you one thing they felt great about in class.  You know, when you pick them up from school and you ask the what they did in school , it gets old.  So, we recommend that you avoid that question and ask them about one thing that they did in karate class, that was their best.  

We use positive reinforcement.

Our instructors are taught to say everyone’s name at least once in class.  They are trying to do it, but sometimes they miss one or two.  Don’t worry, we will remind our instructors, to do better next time.  We want your child and every child to feel special.  Our teachers know, that if a child is not behaving in class, they are to compliment other children around that child, rather than to criticize that child too much.  Sometimes, the very top instructors are allowed to utilize their skills to modify poor behavior, but that is rare. We have been successful in using our positive teaching strategies combined with our education on tactile, visual and audible learning, to reach all students. 

Talk to our managers.

If your child is the one in class, that has already mastered the skills of paying attention and you are concerned about another student, please be patient with us.  We can tell you that your child is not moving any slower because of the other child.  We are working on your child’s achievements too.  Our instructors have been taught how to handle both types in one class.  Of course, you can always feel free to speak to our managers on duty to handle any concerns.  Our doors are always open.  Our managers are trained to resolve your concerns.  Our teachers are not.  Out teachers are there to handle instruction and they have to move from one class to the next, so please utilize our managers to help with any concerns. 

The journey to Black Belt.

The last premise we want to convey to parents in our big kids classes, is that the journey to Black Belt in our school is 3-4 years but if your child starts young, it maybe be a bit longer.  Even if your child is supremely skilled, we have found that the journey to Black Belt is so much more enjoyable if they don’t feel the pressure to “Get There”.  We want the rewards of new rank to be actual rewards that make them happy.  We don’t want them to feel rushed and have anxiety about what happens with the new belt.  So please, allow them to take the journey and enjoy it. After all, in our school, Black Belt is not the end, it is just one great achievement.  There is as much to do after Black Belt, as there was before.  We have students who have been with us for over 40 years.

Your pre-school child

If your child is in our Pre-school Little Samurai class, our objective is to get them ready for Big Kids classes at age 5 or 6. Our instructors understand the child development skills of 3 to 5 year olds. Therefore, you may see us working on balance or eye-hand coordination, in an activity that does not totally relate to the requirements on the back of their attendance card. We promise, we will get to those too. Children of this age need to learn to stand on one foot before they can kick well. We have developed creative ways to teach them their left and their right side. We have special drills that teach focus and develop their attention span. There are games designed to make them understand, they must pay attention to their teacher. We are working on promotions to their next rank and increasing their developmental skills at the same time.

Thanks for trusting your child with us.  We will make sure they learn focus, confidence, self assurance, goal setting and achieving among many other important qualities for becoming a great adult.  

If your child is not the best in the class…it’s okay, read this blog!