Staying Safe at Home

Attacks happen when you are vulnerable. Your home is the place where you should feel the safest. Unfortunately for many that also means this is where they make an easy target. When you are home, your guard is down. After all, you are in your castle, where you should be safe. This article will cover several points on how to take control of your home.

1) If someone is following you, don’t go home. If you left the grocery store and you noticed someone follow you out and watch you get in your car and then they followed you as you drove off. Don’t go home. If an attacker has picked you out as a potential victim, you do not want them knowing where you live. Instead drive to a police station, fire station, or another busy and well-lit area where you can ask for help and call 911.

2) Take control of the exterior of your house. Are there over grown bushes or dark spots where someone could hide? While you are unlocking your door, how easy would it be for someone to come up from behind you? Minimize or eliminate all hiding spots and keep your exterior well lit. Make sure you keep your guard up and stay aware of your surroundings until you are safely inside with the door locked behind you. This also applies for when you are leaving your house and walking to your car. Many times we are preoccupied, distracted, and not aware of our surroundings.

3) Lock everything and set your house alarm. Alarm systems and locks are great, if you use them. Make sure all doors and windows stay locked. Even in the afternoon when you are at home, it is a good idea to keep everything locked. I was shocked how many people came to my door when I started working from home. If you are not expecting someone, or someone knocks who you don’t recognize, you don’t have to answer the door.

If you have an alarm system learn how to use it and all the options it offers. Many systems have passwords that signal you are being held hostage and the security system will call the cops for you. There are also remote ways to set the alarm off in case you are unable to get to the keypad.

4) Have a plan. In case someone does break into your house, have a plan.

  • What are your escape routes? Just like if there’s a fire, everyone in the house should have a way to get out and have a meeting place outside.
  • Go through every room and take note of things you could use as a weapon in the event you are trapped in that room.
  • Keep your phone close by and charged so you can call 911 immediately. I also keep the key fob remote for my security system by my bed and phone so I can set the alarm off as well without having to go downstairs to the key pad.
  • Regardless of what plan works best for your household, have a plan and make sure everyone knows what to do in the event someone breaks in to your home.
Staying Safe at Home | Raleigh Karate International

These are just a few tips to help keep you safe. To learn more I encourage anyone to grab a friend or two and take a martial arts class. Karate International has classes for ages 3 and up and for all levels) or attend one of our  Take Control Self-Defense classes.